Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fun at the Pool!

Okay, so Gracie once again LOVES the pool and is getting more and more courageous in it!
She has even started trying to get in more of a swimming position, so that she can really get around. She of course still prefers the side of the pool and the stairs. But in the kids pool she's been starting to get pretty brave!
She is super fortunate that she has her " big brother" Noah to play and swim with her! Unfortunately they were both looking so cute with huge smiles for pictures but my shutter was being weird and not taking it in time before Gracie would get wiggly : (

Here she is swimming in the kids pool!

She loves these fountain things, they kept making her giggle!

Ready to get out and warm up with Mom!

Yay for summer! Hopefully she can take some swim lessons this year and will be totally ready for a fun water filled summer next year! I'm so excited that she seems to like the water... because I LOVE it myself!

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