Thursday, September 21, 2006

Getting SOOO Big!!

Okay, well I know I've been terrible about blogging these past couple of months. We have just been soooo busy. And any spare time I have I am usually too exhausted to move or I am practicing on my machine! So in the next couple of weeks we should be done being evaluated by the school district. The PT came last week and said she looked really good ( which I was expecting to hear). Tomorrow the teacher comes and next week we meet with the school psychologist and the other two ladies to discuss "the game plan." Which will most likely be to do nothing, but wait... just like we are doing with the doctors.....

Gracie has been super busy getting into everything! She has discovered how to open drawers and cabinets. And loves to do so. She is not walking totally yet still. Just a lot of cruising and a few steps here and there. Which stinks, because at the day care at the gym they make her be in the infant room until she can walk! And most of the kids in there are too little to really play with.

I know I may be biased but Gracie just keeps getting cuter and cuter. In fact yesterday, we first had a lady stop us at the gym to say that she had seen Gracie in the daycare and had though " who is this baby? She is just soooo cute!", then a deaf woman that was not able to effectively communicate wanted to tell me that she was so cute so badly that she pulled her Sidekick out to type it out for me! I know, I'm bragging, but I figure I'm entitled to it!

A couple weeks ago we went to the zoo with my cousin Katie, her husband, and Andrew their little boy. He is just a month or two younger than Gracie so it was fun to see them interact. It was crummy weather but still a lot of fun.

Gracie does not like it when all attention is not on her, so lately she says hi to anyone that isn't paying enough attention. It is quite funny. She imitates a lot of the words I say, Like "stop" , "mom", " hi", "hey".. She is really learning to communicate. She even does the "all done" sign when she is done eating. It is amazing to me how far she's come in the past 13 months.

One of her favorite things to do lately is put any article of clothing she can find on her head. It is constant. She'll strectch the clothes like she is about to pull it over her head and then just place it on her head. And she usually looks pretty proud afterwards!

Well, I promised pictures from her final birthday celebration at Grammy's. I thought this picture was very appropriate. It not only shows her covered in cake. But she is doing this goofy face ( which she does all the time now!) She scrunches up her face and start sniffing really hard. It is hilarious. She's such a ham!