I haven't blogged in forever... so there is just soo much to gush about! Well, first off Gracie is quite the dancer. I think I'll definetly be putting her into a dance class in a couple of years! She is constantly dancing. And if she is in one room occupied with something and she hears the Elmo song come on... she goes running... and dances all at the same time. She's completely entertaining. She's currently getting her 4th molar and has been quite the pistol! But sooo loving all at the same time giving tons of hugs and kisses... go figure. I haven't been able to put her in any hard soled shoes because none of them fit her right. So, we went to a kid's shoe store... and they told me that her foot is abnormally shaped. She has an extremely wide foot, an extremely high insole and her foot is really fat. ( Hey what the sales girl said, not me!) So after trying on 7 pairs of shoes that fit these specifications we found 2 pairs that fit her right... 2 out of 7.... : ( So I got her a pair of over priced tennis shoes. And it was like she was learning to walk all over again! She wanted to hold onto me and furniture at first with every step. But she's pretty used to them now and loves to stomp her feet on hard floors because of the noise.
I gave her large crayons for Christmas and she carried them around with her until I finally took them away from her ( I suddenly realized the trouble she could get into with them!- Although a little too late because I've found that she colored on her little house and my entertainment center : ( Oh well...) But during supervised coloring times she's so serious. Every "scribble" done so carefully. She loves it!
She really plays with more than this tent/house... but I just think she's so darn cute in it... that I've ended up with tons of pictures of her in it!
She has been amazing me at what she can get into lately. She reaches up onto counters and yanks anything and everything off. She comes out of the pantry with stuff that was so out of reach I cannot begin to imagine how she got it. She came out with a bag of cheetos the other day, took the clip off and started walking around the house munching on them carrying the bag. She finally came over to the TV turned it on and plopped down in front of it chowing down on her Cheetos. It was actually pretty cute. I am constantly reminded of how quickly she's growing up : (
My boss gave her their old play kitchen. And I thought Gracie would probably not pay any attention to it really because she's a little young. But she ran for it when she saw it set up in her room. And played with it ALL day! She was almost knocking the thing over trying to turn the "water faucet" on! She talked on the phone, emptied and filled the microwave and oven. She LOVES it! She's such a girl!
Gracie has been carrying her dolls. It's adorable because she takes the dolls into her little tent/house and feeds them. One of her dolls cries sporadically and if she is having trouble giving the baby her bottle she'll frantically search for me so that I can help.
Gracie really has sooo much fun in the bath. She loves playing with the running water. She has a bunch of stacking cups and she has figured out how to stack them. She also loves to fill them up and empty them. Over and over. She's such a little fish. She lays on her belly and sticks her face in the water and comes up laughing hysterically. Our bathroom is usually completely damp after her baths from all her splashing. She's so funny to watch in there.
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