Thursday, June 15, 2006


Okay.... so early last week Gracie was sitting on the other side of the apartment from the bathroom playing in her toy bin. I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth ( which probably only took a minute or two ) , came out and literally tripped over Gracie. Yes, she decided she had had enough of being in only one spot and decided she was ready to crawl! And now she is crawling all over. She can even crawl up a couple of steps! It is so amazing how she went from being content to sit in one spot for long periods of time to just moving all over. She didn't even give me any of the signs that she was ready like th physical therapist that evaluated her said she would have. She's my little genious who just enjoys surprising us!

So, in the past few weeks we have had multiple evaluations from the school district. Because if Gracianna is diagnosed with the neurofibromatosis, it is likely that she may have learning disabilities. So we have had a special ed. teacher, a physical therapist, and a school psychologist come to evaluate her. And all said she is looking pretty good. They keep calling her a preemie though and are going by her " adjusted age" which is SO irritating to me because she was obviously full term- my OB was just an idiot!! But for her "adjusted age" she is dong well and she is still doing alright for her chronological age. Which is very good news! They will come back out in the fall to re-evaluate her and then there will be a meeting to decide where we go from there. If things continue to progress as they have been then they will just keep on eye on how she is doing but she won't have to be in the program. We will be going to see the neurologist again soon as well... I know it's still so early but I am really hoping that she is just a really birthmark-y kid and will not develop any other symptoms!

Her hair is getting so crazy. And the hair on the back of her head is finally starting to grow in! Her hair is super curly (surprise, surprise!) and it's funny because the hair on the top of her head is like mine but in the back it's like her dad's! She has "two-tone" hair! It'll be interesting how it turns out!

I signed her up for Kindermusic sign and sing class this summer! I am so excited to see her interact with a group of kids in a setting like that! And we have planned another trip to visit her cousins! This is going to be such a fun summer for her!


Anonymous said...

I love the way you talk about Gracie! You are so excited, proud and positive about all that she does....that is just what moms are supposed to do! Yahoo for a fantastic mom!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is writing those anonymous comments? Are they really anonymous? Isn't alright - allright? Just checking! I think I will remain anonymous too! Cute crawling pictures!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is your old, well first Healthy Start home visitor....LJ