Wednesday, September 05, 2007

She's TWO!!!

Okay so I promised all these pictures and then I never got around to it... so here is my true picture taking happiness gone wild.

Gracie climbed up next to Noah with her puzzle and I thought they looked so cute together I just had to share....
On her birthday we went to Jungle Java... she had so much fun. She played a little in the toddler part but was much more interested in the gargantuan play structure. She had a lot of fun climbing!

At the park by my house with Noah....
A fun day at the pool.. She really is getting to be more and more comfortable in the water....

Here's Gracie trying on my jammies....

Okay, when I last posted I had these pictures of Gracie and Noah playing dress up and haevn't posted them because most of them are sideways, so sorry about the sideways one... but I can't get it to open in the software!

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