Thursday, March 30, 2006

Seven Months!!

Gracianna just had her 7 month birthday! Yesterday we saw the geneticist. She said that with the number of cafe au lait spots Gracie has she most likely has neurofibromatosis. But we still won't be able to diagnose it until she displays at least one other symptom. At this point, all we can do is watch and wait. If she does have it she may not even be greatly affected by it.

Gracie is suddenly gumming every surface in sight sooo hard. I think that a tooth may be on its way! And she seems to babble more and more every day. She is starting to lower herself in a semi controlled manner from a sitting position to being on all fours. She hasn't completely figured it out but she's trying! She alsohas gained a full pound since last Tuesday! She weighed in at 18lbs 11 oz at her doctor's appointment yesterday. I can't get over how big she's getting, and how fast. She seems to have more of a personality everyday. Although she is still the same laid back, good tempered baby that she's always been!


kristin said...

cool! I love the background! Know you need a counter!! That was Damien's department on mine!
I love the picture too.

Anonymous said...

You are doing a beautiful job on this Lisa! The photos are tooooo cute. Ok, here is a little secret---Gracie is going to get really mad at you when she is about 11 years old and she knows that her naked bathtub pics have been on the internet......laugh now, weep later. P.S. This comes from my own experience with my kids and those bathtub pics! Ouch! However, I do hope you keep snapping away, she's just too cute and it is good to share her with others. Love you both