Sunday, June 29, 2008

"Vote for 'Bama"

Okay, Gracie may not even be 3 yet, BUT she is already getting political! These aren't the best pictures I could have gotten ( I didn't notice the shadow until now). Her shirt says "I'm a Little Hope-apotamus... Obama 2008). She LOVES this shirt. If you ask her what it means she says " Vote Bama". If you ask her who we're going to vote for she'll shout "BAMA!" Granted of course she got this from me... but it doesn't make it any less cute. We are decked out here with Obama wear and even a really cool Obama tote. She's so proud of her shirt, probably because it has a hippo but hey, still no less cute.
Gracie is doing well. She is sooo excited for her cousins to visit. Since I'll be at school and interning the day they come she gets to go to the airport to pick them up. And she hasn't stopped talking about it since we told her last week. She is dying to have a sleepover with Leanna and Emily. She has never gotten to have anyone sleepover at our house.. so its kinda a big deal. Hopefully my little brother and sister will be comfortable enough to come for a sleepover soon!

Gracie's made lots of new friends at school. And she is doing well healthwise. We get to switch doctors in July so that's exciting. Her dr before was 30-40 min away before... now they're across the street, and speedy! We've been doing lots of swimming ( well the days we don't have anything to do and it is actually nice out). And I took her to "Concert in the Park" last week with my mom and stepdad for a picnic and the music. She loved it, but didn't last long because she was so tired ( she hasn't taken a nap at school yet... her teacher told me that they'll think she's asleep but she'll be faking)! Since she is used to getting a nap she has a hard time when she misses it.

I can't believe she'll be 3 so soon! The time has flied and I swear she is 2 going on 13. Sometimes the things she says are so grown up or teenager-y. If I'm nagging her about cleaning her room or something, she rolls her eyes and says " What-ever mom" ( I put the hyphen because she actually stresses the second syllable after a slight pause.. just like a teenager!) I'm very scared for the teenage years! But for now just enjoying every single second with her. We were cuddling in my bed watching a movie and she looked at me and said " Mom, I'm so glad you're here, You're my best friend I've ever had." I thought it was so cute and funny.

I also pointed out a rainbow to her for the first time. When she saw it her jaw dropped and she asked " Mommy, who did it?" I told her God did it. She was amazed. She asked me if God colored it with markers? Those are the moments I hope I'll always remember.....

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Okay, wow its been a long time! I've been wanting to post these pictures of Gracie and Noah since March! I took them to Chuck E. Cheese for Noah's birthday. It was the first time they had gotten to see each other since Christmas time and they really had a lot of fun!
Gracie was definitively diagnosed with NF1 a couple of months ago. NF1 stand for neurofibromatosis 1, right now her only symptoms are cafe au lait spots and freckling in her armpit and groin. The hardest part is not knowing what complications she will develop from it. At her age, most kids with NF1 don't exhibit much more than that. The geneticist said that she may only end up with spots but we won't know for sure until after puberty. Even after then she could still have more stuff pop up. But I'm trying not to think about that or worry about it... I am just very aware to keep an eye out for other symptoms.
She is doing very well developmentally. She talks up a storm. We have started to do articulation exercises to help with her speech ( she talks a lot its just not always clear!). She does talk in full sentences though. She is sooo imaginative and creative. She is constantly coming up with stories or games. She frequently will jump in my bed or on the couch with me and pull a blanket over us and say "Shhh.. a shark is coming!" She loves to play pretend. And frequently acts like a grown up. We were playing with her dolls yesterday and I made them do something silly and she put her hand up to her head, shook her head and said " Mommy, you're too much!" I thought it was pretty funny coming from a 2-almost- 3 year old!
I know they say all kids are like little sponges but I swear Gracie is extra sponge-y! She suddenly started saying "Gracias, De Nada, and Hola!" And using them appropriately... thanks Dora! She will hear or see something once and remember it long after and if its a new word she will not only remember it but use it appropriately.
So we have "stolen" my mom's dog, Bailey. We were just supposed to babysit him for one night, but we never really gave him back. Gracie LOVES having him around. He has really become part of our family. The pictures with her and Bailey in bed were his first night with us and she was so excited she was dancing! Then again, Gracie is constantly dancing and "shaking her booty."

In the past few months Gracie's hair has really started to grow.. thanks I think to new hair products. I have to special order them online.. and they aren't cheap but they are soooo worth it. I have been able to do much more with her hair. Including braids , puffy pigtails, regular ponytail, etc. And it all just looks better! Not to mention her hair always smells amazing now. Her braids below were a couple of days old but I just wanted to give an idea!
Last semester Gracie was going to the daycare at my school a couple of afternoons a week and LOVED it. When the semester ended she was saying " I want to go to school.... I NEED to go to school!" So, now that she is potty trained and almost three I signed her up for one full day of preschool a week. She LOVES it. She gets very excited and talks nonstop about it.
Gracie is sooo expressive and silly and very loving. I got the stomach flu a couple of months ago and I couldn't head into the bathroom without her following, and when there she was rubbing my back and telling me I'd be okay. ( In hindsight it was very sweet, at the time I of course just wanted some space!) She's always hugging me saying " MOmmy, I'm so glad you're here"
Last weekend we started going to the pool again. Gracie is a little fish, although when she's swimming she tells me that she's a mermaid! We hold hands and she kicks along... she's so proud of herself and it always really wears her out! She loves going to the movies. Last Sunday I took her swimming in the morning and in the afternoon we went and saw Kung Fu Panda. Now she can't wait to go see Wall-E. She also saw Horton Hears a Who when it came out and now has a stuffed Horton ( thanks to my aunt) that Gracie takes EVERYWHERE and cannot sleep without.