Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Leaps and Bounds...

Okay, okay... finally some pictures for everyone. I had them ready to do... just have had a very busy month. Gracie is really getting soooo much personality. She's such a happy baby, almost always smiling. Very social with not only other kids but adults as well. She has become a dancing maniac. She is always dancing. And if we are listening to rock she is head banging (well, kinda). And after watching Papa dance, now she lifts her little legs up to do her dancing sometimes. It is pretty darn cute. I gave her my old cell phone and she carries it around constantly lately. Jabbering away.

Earlier this month we went to the children's museum in Ann Arbor with Anthony and Rosana. It was mainly too old for them, but they still had a lot of fun. They get along really well.

She is imitating like crazy. she pretends to comb her hair, tries to put clothes on ( she has figured out zippers so she likes to unzip anything she's wearing and can even get a jacket off. ) She even helps get her toys out of the tub before she gets out by handing me them one by one. She also helps unload the dishwasher, mainly just the silverware, but she stands and hands me it piece by piece. Looking ever so proud that she is such a good helper.

I had to include a picture of her with her bathtime mohawk. Plus the expression on her face is pretty funny. I can't get over how fast she's growing and developing! She can even fit circle and triangle puzzle pieces in one of her toys. She's such a smart cookie! Now if we could just slow down this whole growing up thing.....

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


So, a couple days before Halloween, I tried a couple different costumes on her. First I put on Pooh, and she was in front of the mirror and just stared and smiled. Then, I tried the princess costume. And she SCREAMED and cried! So, I didn't have to decide... Gracie did! She has really been good about letting her opinions and wants be known.

( yes, i know that is a scary picture of me... but gracie looks way too cute not to post it!)

Well, it was not Gracie's first Halloween, or first time getting dressed up, but it was her first time trick or treating. She even held her own candy bag.... and had some chocolate... she LOVED it. We went with Rosana and Anthony. Anthony is Gracie's age... and they were VERY interested in one another. It was pretty darn cute.
We went to the allergist yesterday and my suspicision that Gracie is allergic to eggs was confirmed. She is not terribly allergic though so she just can't eat plain eggs. She can still eat most things with eggs in them. The dr. even said that she would most likely outgrow the allergy. And the less things she eats with eggs in them the sooner that will happen.
Gracie also surprisingly enough loves tomatoes and portobella mushrooms. She shoves tomatoes in like it's nobody's business!