Sunday, October 15, 2006


Yes! Gracianna is walking! And able to get to standing from anywhere ( by artfully standing on her head and pushing up). It is sooooo exciting and even she seems like she is glowing with pride! She does still love to crawl when she wants to get somewhere fast. But otherwise seems to much prefer walking. And now because she is walking "confidently" she is allowed in the "big kids" room at the gym daycare. She hated being in the infant room and would be all over me when I would come back to get her. When I came to get her out of the big kids room for the first time she didn't even want to leave. I walked in and she was sitting on these child sized couches watching tv with some other kids around her age. She had her feet up and her arm up on the back of the couch stretched out. She even had a look about her like " yeah... i'm in the big kid room... I'm a BIG kid now!" When i approached her she just patted the girl's leg next to her... and it just seemed like she was saying... " see mom, this is my friend!" Okay, Okay, I know I am probably looking WAY too into it but let me believe what I want! She is getting her eighth tooth now so she is biting again badly! And if you couldn't tell from the background of the pictures... she is making TERRIBLE messes!

Well we finally had her year check up. She weighed 25 1/2 pounds (92%), was 30 inches (60%) and her head was off the charts ( >97%). The larger head can sometimes be a sign of neurofibromatosis so she now needs a ultrasound of her head. We also have to see an allergist to get her tested for a possible egg allergy : ( She is doing so well otherwise though. And I just kinda feel like saying "phooey" to all those people who evaluated her at the beginning of the school year that said she was " slow." She seems like she is developing beautifully to me! She is quite the jabber jaw.... she can say doggy and hi... and when she imitates it sounds like she can say a LOT more.

She is imitating sooo much lately too. She puts her eyebrows togther and look all stern.... imitating the look I give her when I am telling her no. She puts my phone and headset up to her ear and says " hi!". Everything just keeps happening faster and faster I feel like.... ahhhh! I feel like I can hardly catch my breath!